Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) & Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) were introduced with the enactment of relevant amendments to Building Ordinance and subsidiary legislation in 2011, and commenced on 30 June 2012. We have provided comprehensive & reliable building inspection under MBIS & MWIS and instructed related repair works.

Mandatory building inspection scheme (MBIS)
for No. 6–8,Pak Sha Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Mandatory building inspection scheme (MBIS) and mandatory window inspection scheme (MWIS) for May Wah Court, 111-113 Chatham Road South, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Mandatory building inspection scheme (MBIS) and related repair works at Dominion Centre,
43-59 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong